By Rumaan 25 Jul 2022 8 min read

Why is body language important during an interview?

A fantastic technique to come out as a knowledgeable and confident candidate in an interview is to have well-thought-out responses ready. In most interviews, it is vital to convincing the interviewer that you are reliable and competent in handling the job. However, just a part of your message will be conveyed during a job interview. Your nonverbal communication will provide the rest of the answer.

You can give your interviewer a positive impression by keeping in mind a few key principles of successful body language in interview. A firm handshake that is not ironclad, coupled with smiling and maintaining eye contact, will help you generate a good first impression. The best way to convey warmth and friendliness is to keep your arms open and uncrossed. Sitting upright against the seat also conveys confidence.

You can show that you are engaged and prepared for the job by maintaining a friendly expression and making an effort to maintain eye contact for at least two-thirds of the interview. According to many interviewers, the majority of terrible interviews involve little to no eye contact! Locked eyes or excessive eye contact, though, might make you come out as being unduly hostile or scary, so be careful to glance away regularly.

Additionally, hand gestures during an interview can be crucial in conveying your message to the interviewer. Simple, occasional hand gestures might help you accentuate what you are saying. Avoid pointing or making excessive hand gestures during interview, though, as they can give the impression that you are fidgety and acting dishonestly. If you are not sure about your hands, folding them together is an easy gesture to hold until the initial nervousness decreases and you start to deliver those great answers you prepared earlier. Once the interview is done, ensure you extend another strong handshake, a smile, and eye contact!


Body language in an interview is a truth-teller!

Body language in interview provides the interviewer with a lot of information that cannot be expressed solely through the spoken word. It shows whether a candidate is assured, focused, and committed—or whether they might be bored, insecure, or anxious.

Almost 93% of human communication is conveyed through body language during an interview. Thus, consistent body language gives you the chance to persuade the interviewer that you are a qualified candidate. The volume and tone of your voice, gestures, facial expressions, and body posture in an interview are all important. We devote only 7% of our total attention to the topic itself.


What you wear defines you!

Given that it is common knowledge that what you wear can reveal a lot about your attitude and level of confidence in the job you are applying for, you should research the company's dress policy before the interview. You must look well-groomed, regardless of what you are wearing. This calls for tidy fingernails, combed hair, and clean shoes. A messy appearance can give the potential employer a terrible first impression even before the interview begins. As a result, the guy is made in his attire when it comes to job interviews!


Making the right first impression is important!

Even your opening remarks during a job interview reveal a lot about you. People often assert that first impressions are important for a reason. Eye contact, a firm handshake, and your body posture in an interview, in addition to the overall impression you make, speak volumes about you as a candidate. Give your interviewer a quick, solid handshake and, most importantly, make eye contact while smiling. This will assist you in projecting the image of a self-assured someone delighted to meet someone new.


Making eye contact conveys curiosity and openness!

In an interview, maintaining eye contact communicates your curiosity and openness, whereas averting your gaze conveys doubt, lack of interest, or simply that you are not paying attention. That does not imply that you should give your interviewer the cold shoulder. Successful eye contact is generally defined as maintaining eye contact for at least one second but no longer than three seconds. If you are conversing with multiple people, it is indeed crucial to ensure that you focus largely on the person who posed the question. However, you should continue to make eye contact with the others present. That demonstrates interest and aids in capturing their attention.


Maintaining a friendly stance and an upright posture demonstrates your assurance and strength.

Even though most interviews are conducted while the candidate is seated, the body language they observe from the candidate is still a significant factor in influencing how the interviewer evaluates them. Take an open stance and sit in an upright position. Remember, in the automotive industry, strength and assurance speak volumes. Therefore, demonstrate it through your body language during an interview. Your ability to project your voice may suffer if your upper body is contorted in a certain way. In addition to that, you need to make use of the total surface area of the seat. Sitting on the edge of a chair will give the impression that you are tense and unsure of who you are. Not only is it vital to pay attention to body language during in-person interviews, but it also makes a difference while doing interviews over the phone.


Given that the interviewer cannot see anything when conducting the conversation over the phone, this may appear to be a contradiction at first. Your body language during an interview can affect your voice in various ways. The same guidelines apply in conventional face-to-face interviews: maintain an upright posture and, if at all possible, try to visualise yourself having a conversation with the interviewer in person; doing so will assist you in concentrating better. During your phone call, even the tiniest hint of a smile might go a long way toward making you seem more approachable.


The act of bidding someone farewell represents your last opportunity to win them over.

Reach your hand to your interviewer once more, making sure to retain eye contact, with plenty of self-confidence. As you leave the building, maintain a tall posture and pull your body in upon itself until you are no longer in view. When this happens your body language will stop speaking about you, and you will finally be able to rest.

As humans, we communicate nonverbally in every moment of our lives, from the expressions on our faces to our gestures and posture, from the rituals we use to greet others to the rituals we use to say goodbye. This includes the interview for the job you want to get next.



During the interview, displaying the appropriate body language is one of the most effective ways to impress the recruiters. Suppose you do not exhibit the appropriate body language during an interview. In that case, you will produce a very poor impression in the minds of the recruiters, which will hurt your chances of getting the job.

Even though these particulars may strike you as little and inconsequential, you should keep in mind that precisely these aspects will differentiate you from the other candidates.

Qualifications and experience are things that almost everyone possesses in this day and age; the things that are difficult to come by are integrity, excellent manners, honesty, and effort. Consequently, you should ensure that your body language indicates the truth and subtly communicates these things to others.


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