It goes without saying that a brilliant CV will be your ticket to an interview and hopefully, a great mechanic job.
Mechanics generally focus on performing tasks to help keep vehicles running well. In our sample CV below, you’ll see how the CV includes example of a mechanic’s work, whether it’s about repairs or maintenance.
As a starting point, remember that there will be others applying for any job you are interested in, so the key to securing the job you want will be to stand out. Recruiters spend a short time going through each CV – sometimes decision to progress someone’s application is made in as little as 20 seconds. So work hard to get your key skills and experience as a mechanic across, and remember to prioritise your points so that the most important information isn’t left until the end.
Think of your CV as your own personal marketing tool. It’s the perfect opportunity to sell yourself and communicate your skills and experience. We think these tips for your mechanic CV will help too:
1. Clear and simple layout
Your CV should be clear, and easy to read. Ensure the layout look uncluttered and the headlines to each section of your CV stand out. Avoid long paragraphs and rambling sentences – apart from your personal statement, which will sit at the top of your CV, under your contact details, keep the rest of your information short and concise, with bullet points. It often helps to use bullet pointing to break up text into easily readable bite-sized chunks – you can provide a lot of information about your past experience as a mechanic this way.
2. Tailor your CV to each job
It doesn’t matter if every job you apply for is a mechanic job. Every garage or company is different, so different people may appeal to them more, or they may have more specific qualifications they feel are important. Read the job description carefully and tailor your CV and cover letter to this job. Research each company in question and use the keywords that match what they are looking for – are particular skills important to them, like customer service, attention to detail etc? Then you can highlight these skills more so than others, and sit them at the top of your skills section, for example.
Make sure you understand what employers are looking out for before you fill out your CV or application form. Using a one-size-fits-all, generic CV for your job application won’t get you noticed.
Take a look at the sample CV below:
3. Provide a brief ‘Professional Profile’
This is your chance to pitch yourself in a paragraph or two. A professional profile will emphasise your key attributes, and so should be written for the attention of the hiring manager. Keep it brief as you can expand on examples of your attributes later in the CV. Try using strong words such as ‘organised’, technical’ or ‘problem-solver’.
For example: “A mechanic with multiple skills, excellent all-round technical and mechanical expertise. Capable, with an ability to diagnose faults on vehicles using specialist diagnostic equipment. Outstanding track record with regards to successful repair or replacement. Huge team player, organised and target-oriented. Self motivated, with the ability to multitask. Experience of teaching and developing apprentices and sharing knowledge with others. Looking to further develop my skills in a new position that will challenge my skills and knowledge.”
4. Make a feature of your achievements at work
Outline what your responsibilities were with an emphasis on achievements. Highlight relevant projects you have managed, specifying targets achieved. Also include any promotions, however minor. Demonstrate any relevant experience you have of the company’s particular sector/market.
5. Highlight your unique skills
We think our sample CV above will help give you plenty of ideas of what skills to include on your CV. One skills that will be important is mechanic ability – show evidence with certifications in various aspects of the automotive repair or mechanic training programs. Emphasising certain skills will turbo-charge your CV, putting you at the front of a recruiter’s mind. Beyond your specific mechanical qualifications, you will have other skills that could boost your attractiveness to recruiters. These are often overlooked, but can be a powerful way to set you apart from the competition. Would it be useful to mention communication skills, people management, computer and numeracy skills?
6. Work your ‘interests’
Interests can often look like an uninspiring list: skiing, reading, socialising with friends etc. But you can make this section of your CV work harder for you. Keep it short, use bullet points, avoid clichés, don’t look too solitary. Unusual hobbies stand out, especially those that reflect you as a great person. So rather than just including ‘photography, cycling and travel’ try:
Team sport (captain), reading and creative tasks e.g. pottery and crafts
Remember interests can showcase your employability skills of organising, planning, negotiating, and managing a team. So for instance, anything that shows evidence of innovation, leadership and teamwork is useful.
7. Delete irrelevant information
It’s important for your CV to be informative, but it must also be concise so that automotive recruiters can digest it efficiently. In general, using two A4 pages is appropriate. Only include information which will actually help to get you an interview for this specific role. Recruiters don’t want to waste time reading details irrelevant to your ability to fulfill the job role.
8. Get someone to proofread your CV
Check vigilantly for spelling and grammatical errors. Don’t rely on spell check systems on your computer, as they can overlook errors you’ve written. By all means, run a spell check, but also ask a friend – ideally someone with knowledge of mechanics – to go over your draft CV and spot any mistakes. Others might also make useful suggestions about tone, length of sections or layout of your CV.
9. Send it in the right format
Instead of guessing which CV format the employer prefers, make sure you know how it will be received and read, and send it in as the right kind of file. With email and digital technology now so important in the job application process – many employers scan CVs electronically, looking for the right keywords. Follow the recruiter’s instructions on the job posting carefully, or email/call the company to check. If sending directly to an employer via their e-mail, it’s worth sending your CV as scannable text within the body of the e-mail itself. Then, attach a version with the full layout you’ve designed and attractive fonts that you have chosen.
Once you’ve perfected your CV, don’t forget to upload it to InAutomotive so that employers can find you!