Complicated, time consuming applications
There is little more frustrating than when you’re short on time and trying to apply for a job, only to find yourself being taken through a convoluted application process. Filling in masses of information every time you apply takes up valuable time that could otherwise be spent searching for further opportunities; not to mention, it gets extremely repetitive.
To combat this, we’ve streamlined the application process on InAutomotive to make this as simple as possible. All you need to do is create your candidate profile; you can then use this for all your future applications going forward, applying with the click of a button.
We recommend setting aside some time to put together your candidate profile and/or CV, including as much detail as possible; take a look at our guide for tips on what to include. We’d also recommend creating a dedicated cover letter template introducing yourself, which can really help you stand out in the recruiter’s memory.
It’s well worth taking the time to do this, as you can then use these for any applications in future, simply tweaking as needed rather than needing to start from scratch each time.
For any future applications, simply click the Apply button and you’ll be able to attach either your InAutomotive profile or CV to your application, which will then be sent straight to the recruiter (along with your cover letter if you choose to attach one).
You’ll also be able to upload up to 3 CV files to your account, so that you have various options ready to choose from if you are applying to more than one type of role.
Formatting your CV
It’s often difficult to know how to format your CV; it’s common to struggle with what specific information to include, what order to present the information in, or what design choices to make. It’s important to show your personality and stand out, whilst also creating a document that looks professional and organised.
Building an InAutomotive profile takes away this uncertainty by guiding you through the process step-by-step. You’ll be offered pointers as to what information you could include in each section, and you’ll be able to preview what your profile will look like as you are putting it together, giving you the peace of mind of knowing you’re on the right track.
Your profile will also automatically be formatted into our standard design, taking away the time-consuming element of having to format your CV, and leaving you with an organised, professional document that you can take forward into your future job applications.
Even if you are not actively looking for a new role, we’d recommend keeping your profile up to date. It’s always beneficial to have a well-presented, up-to-date career profile to hand, whether you’re applying for training courses, networking, or simply to stay prepared for whatever opportunities may be round the corner.
How much information to include
It can often be a headache deciding which information you should include about yourself when applying for roles, and how much detail to go into. It’s often said that your CV or professional profile should fit onto two sides of A4 paper, but in today’s digital world this isn’t always the most relevant guide to follow.
It’s important to include enough detail to convey your skills and experience, whilst also keeping things concise and easy to read; this can sometimes be a difficult line to tread.
We’ve designed our InAutomotive profiles to help guide you through this. Each section includes a character limit to give you an idea of how much information to include, and you’re able to edit your profile at any time and as many times as you like, until you are happy with it.
The main information that you’ll be asked to include in your profile, and which we would encourage you to focus on, include:
- Your contact details
- A personal statement introducing yourself and your career path so far
- Your work history and your main achievements from each role
- Any relevant academic or industry qualifications that you possess
- Any certifications, awards or other credentials which could lend weight to your profile
- A little about yourself outside of work; your hobbies, interests, skills and passions
Being contacted regarding irrelevant opportunities
There are more things than ever to bear in mind today when it comes to what you may be looking for from your next role. There is more than just salary and perks which can make a role the right one for you; employees want to be valued and looked after, which is completely understandable.
It’s important to consider what’s most important to you in terms of what you want from your next role, and set recruiters’ expectations regarding this. The more information that you can include about yourself and what you are looking for on your InAutomotive profile, the more chance there is that you will be contacted regarding opportunities that meet your criteria.
As one example, the importance of flexible and/or remote working has never been more evident. You now have the ability to add information to your profile regarding these preferences, including:
- Your willingness to relocate
- Your preference for remote working (if applicable to your role)
- Your desired contract type
- Your desired work location (this can be different to your current location)
We recommend that you add as much information as possible about these preferences so that you can ensure you’re more likely to be contacted for relevant opportunities and less likely to spend time reviewing offers that don’t match what you are looking for.
How to stand out from the competition
Within the set format of a profile or CV, it can sometimes be difficult to know what to include to make you stand out from your fellow professionals and stick in the mind of a recruiter. This is especially true when applying for roles which are competition-heavy, or where many of your fellow applicants are likely to meet the same essential requirements as yourself.
Here are the areas of your profile we would advise you to bear in mind when considering how to let your personality shine and stand out from the crowd.
Executive summary: your executive summary is a short statement which introduces you to the recruiter, summarising your main attributes and experience. It has to capture their attention, so rather than just listing facts about yourself, we’d encourage you to share your enthusiasm and pride here. Explain what your biggest career achievements have been, and share your goals in terms of where you’d like to go next.
Skills: this section is where you can list not only the skills relating to your role, which are always important; but also your soft or transferable skills. Consider things such as communication, time management, conflict resolution, first aid, leadership; which qualities have helped you in the past? Showing that you have considered your skills from a variety of perspectives shows that real thought has gone into your profile.
Extra Curricular: when so many candidates often meet the same criteria for a role, recruiters need to find other ways to spot the best of the bunch. This section is where you can really stand apart from your fellow professionals. Consider any projects undertaken, awards received, or other achievements outside of your automotive career. These can give an insight into your qualities as a person, and other attributes such as languages spoken can only help boost your employability too.
Why not get started creating your candidate profile today and give yourself a head start?