Looking for a job when you’re still employed requires a lot of discretion. Job searching with a paycheck in hand comes with its own risks and advantages. Since job searching can take months, with numerous applications and multiple interviews, it is important to not quit your job unless you have another offer at hand. One reason why it is preferred to continue working while applying for other positions is that when you’re employed, your network is active as you are constantly interacting with your connections or industry contacts. You can have a better insight into the job market and company culture. It’s as simple as, out of sight, out of mind.
The majority of recruiters want to hire the best teams and those are specifically people employed somewhere else, having up-to-date skills. Plus, it’s a big risk that everyone should avoid as nobody has endless income saved in their accounts to feed them for months or as long as job hunting continues. Job searching while being employed is a daunting task as you have to juggle between work and job search. If you want to avail better opportunities, here are some successful job searching tips to move up the ladder.
Be discreet in your search
Do not self-sabotage your job search. It can be frustrating to continue with your current job and reply to emails or messages from potential recruiters. The best way is to attend their calls outside your office. You don’t want to ruin your current job by dropping hints to your co-workers or employer. Do not post about job searches on social media or set your profile on privacy for those who may view your account. Even the slightest speculation about your job search can lead to dismissal. Therefore, keep it quiet and don’t advertise your search.
Focus on your LinkedIn profile
Today, recruiters mostly look for potential employees on LinkedIn. With so many people using the tool every day, you need to keep your profile updated all the time. Change the privacy settings of your account and start conversations with people from different companies. Make sure to list down your skills and abilities so that some recruiter can find you a perfect fit for a vacant position. It’s important to keep your profile complete all the time. You may also narrow down your job search through LinkedIn by being specific.
Build your network
While being at work, expand your network as much as you can. One of the best job hunting tips is to utilise your network. The trick is to find the right people; those who can vouch for your knowledge and skills. You may meet people virtually as well as in person. Congratulate them on their achievements and talk about their work experiences. Don’t hesitate to start a conversation with anyone. You can also learn about the work ethics and culture of the company where you want to apply. Try to offer assistance in any way you can. You never know if any of your connections in the future may recommend you to their company to fill a position.
Schedule your job hunt
You wouldn’t want to skip the office and go for interviews as it may cause speculation about your whereabouts. One of the tips for finding a job while being employed is to carefully schedule your interviews. Don’t go searching for jobs or filling out applications during office timings. Make sure to job hunt after work. As for interviews, try to shift them after work. If that’s impossible, try to take personal leave or use your vacation time to go for interviews. Another better approach is to use your lunchtime for any such activity, be it job search or interviews, without dropping any hints to co-workers.
Use your personal devices for job search
Any office equipment, be it a PC or mobile phone is certainly off limits for you. You shouldn’t even use company Wi-Fi for personal use as there’s a lot of chance that your activities, especially if communication is being monitored. Even if you want to conduct a job search, use your own mobile phone or Laptop. Never communicate with the prospective employer from your work email address. Always make sure to provide your personal email address.
Get your referrals ready
You wouldn’t want to ask your current employer for a recommendation because it may cause suspicion. Ask your previous employers to send in their references. Moreover, if you have a good network, a strong recommendation from an industry professional can increase your chances of landing a job. Even a friend can refer you to a position vacant at his company. Try to be discreet in asking for referrals so your current employer doesn’t know about it.
Pay attention to your current job
Searching for a job doesn’t give you the permit to slack off in the office. Your boss is noticing your performance so make sure it is up to the mark. You’ll be noticed if something is amiss in your performance. It is important to show respect to your profession as well as your employer. You need to give a stellar performance at work to maintain your reputation so that you can leave the current job with your head held high.
Frequently asked questions
Is it easier to find a new career while still employed?
It’s a lot easier to search for a job when you’re still employed. Recruiters prefer those who are already working so that they’ll bring more value and experience to the new job. Those who are jobless find it hard to get another job. Most people don’t quit jobs unless there’s something better lined up for them.
What are the 3 most effective job search strategies?
Some successful job hunting strategies include;
Making yourself visible to recruiters or hiring managers. The more they notice you, the more chances you’ll have to get an offer.
Utilise your network. This includes making connections virtually as well as in person.
Create an impressive resume and a strong cover letter.
How do I take an interview while employed?
Going for interviews is hard when you are currently employed. You may avail of your sick leaves or personal leaves to go for an interview. You can also adjust your work schedule to accommodate interviews at early or late times. You may also reserve interview timings to break hours in the office. This will negate any speculation about a job search.
Can I get fired for looking for another job?
No, in the UK you can't usually be fired for looking for another job. However, it's always good to be discreet to avoid any issues for you in your current job.
What is the most effective job hunting method?
Networking is the most effective way to land a job and learn about various career paths. Networking increases your leads for a job and there are more chances for you to secure a position.